To begin the story at the beginning, read "Part 1: Post 1: Beginning Again," published in January, 2013. To consult a description of the campus, read "Part 1: Post 14: The Greening of Campus," published in March, 2013.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Mastery Year 3: Interlude 2

Hi, all, Daniel of 2019, here.

And as seems to happen often, the holiday has snuck up on me—we’re delaying the celebration until Saturday (which still seems a lot closer than I thought it was) but the holiday is actually on Wednesday. June and I have thought about having a private family celebration on the actual day, but we’re not sure how that will work. The school tradition, which is really the only way to celebrate Beltane that I’m familiar with, is so community-based. We can’t dance a Maypole just the three of us. Maybe we’ll get take-out and Netflix a David Attenborough documentary. That seems a pretty good way to celebrate the fecundity of the planet.

If the school still existed in the same form it used to, I suppose we’d be preparing to go to the Island. For all the times I went with Charlie as an assistant, I never did go as one of the Six. Maybe one day I will.

The funny thing about being of the Six only now, with the community in a kind of exile, is that there is a constant looking back, a constant attention to how things would be, or how they’re supposed to be, the present defined by the shadow of the past, a past I wasn’t even part of the six for. But Charlie would say that such a sense of dislocation is normal, that everything is always in the process of becoming something else. The idea that either the past or the future is solid or stable is an illusion, though a persistent one.

My mind is foggy today. I’ve had a persistent head-cold for a while lately and all I want to do is sleep, but I can’t really afford to take any time off. For one thing, I’ve got a holiday to help plan. And I’m not even all that sick.

I’m just under the weather enough that I can’t tell whether what I’ve just written about change and time and all of that is profound or just nonsensical.

In any case, happy early Beltane.


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