To begin the story at the beginning, read "Part 1: Post 1: Beginning Again," published in January, 2013. To consult a description of the campus, read "Part 1: Post 14: The Greening of Campus," published in March, 2013.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Mastery Year 2: Part 8: Post 4: Sight

Last week I turned in my plan for this coming year to Charlie, by way of Sharon. I feel like I've spent most of my adult life turning things into Charlie through Sharon and waiting to hear back. What's it going to be like when I'm no longer his student?

Anyway, this week I heard back. He was as laconic as ever--Sharon simply handed my paper back to me and on it, scribbled in blue pen at the top, was "Sounds good. -Ch."

So, now I have to set up interviews. Particularly I need to talk to a couple of the graduating novices before Brigid, and maybe some of the people getting their rings--I need to find out who's going to be available after Brigid and who won't be. Lots to do.

I had thought that would be it, lots to do so go do it, but Charlie surprised me yet again.

I was on my way back in after my early-morning walk, when I suddenly realized he was behind me. I stopped, held still for a few seconds, and, when I was sure, I said his name. He laughed.

"How did you know?"

How did I know? I had to think about that for a few seconds, but I came up with an answer.

"I saw you," I said. "I just didn't realize I had until after I passed you." To be clear, he wasn't standing in the open but beside one of the trees near the Formal Garden, in the heavy shade that looked twice as dark in comparison with the morning light on the new snow. I'd only seen him out of the corner of my eye, and he wasn't standing where I'd expected anyone to be. I almost walked right past him, and almost any other student on campus would have.

"So, next year you'll be getting your ring," he said, conversationally. There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I'm not going anywhere," I reminded him. He shrugged a bit.

"You do your job well enough, they don't need you to do it anymore," he said. "I've never had a child, but I imagine parenthood involves something similar."

I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing, and he went on almost as though my silence had been my turn in our dialogue, which I suppose maybe it was.

"You'll be busy."

"Yes, I will be."

"Let me make you busier. I have another assignment for you."


"I want you, before you get my vote, to become able to find me when I'm not looking for you, see me when I do not want to be seen, and sneak up on me unawares."

"Charlie, nobody can sneak up on you."

"You'd be surprised."

"Ok, how am I supposed to know if I'm succeeding? How am I supposed to tell the difference between not being able to see you, and you just not being there?"

"If you can see where I am, you'll also be able to see where I'm not."

"If I learn this," I said, slowly, "I'm going to have to only use my powers for good...." What I didn't want to quite say was that I didn't want to invade his privacy. Becoming able to see him any time I wanted would not, could not mean actually looking at any time.

He acknowledged by point with a hand gesture I'm not sure how to describe, but which I mentally glossed as "granted."

"How will I know you don't actually want to be seen, and so forth? You want me to get my ring as much as I do."

A look of embarrassment flitted across his face a moment, but was gone before he spoke.

"I have not so thoroughly grown beyond my egotism as to let you win easily."

"You're on, then," I told him.

And he smiled, stepped behind the tree, and I'm honestly not sure where he went after that. I looked. He just wasn't there.

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