To begin the story at the beginning, read "Part 1: Post 1: Beginning Again," published in January, 2013. To consult a description of the campus, read "Part 1: Post 14: The Greening of Campus," published in March, 2013.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Mastery Year 1: 6th Interlude


Daniel-of-2017, here.

Mabon snuck up on me. Once again, not the holiday itself, but simply the fact that I would have to post about it. Poor organization on my part.

It's also Rosh Hashana. I wish I had a post available to honor the holiday with, but I don't actually remember any related stories from my time as a student. The few observant Jews at school generally left campus to see family and to attend services, so there was no on-campus holiday event. Some years I would miss it entirely, other years someone would say something and I'd remember, but none of those exchanges were interesting enough to write about or, really, remember.

And in 2007, the year the current posts are set, Rosh Hashana occurred several weeks earlier than the equinox, so it wasn't on anyone's mind during Mabon.

Really, I do wish I could acknowledge Jewish holidays more, but they were a very minor note at school.Obviously, our years were organized around the pagan holidays--the Wiccans, most of the unaffiliated pagans, and most of the heathens (those who follow Norse-derived practices) all used that calendar and comprised the vast majority of the student body, so it made sense to treat those holidays as the official ones of the school. The Christian and secular holidays occupied a distant second position. Some people celebrated Jewish or Buddhist holidays, or sometimes others, but those were always private celebrations. Even Greg, who could have led campus Buddhist celebrations, and often called attention to historical events, never drew attention to Buddhism. I don't know how it was decided which holidays to celebrate and which to ignore, but we didn't generally question it.

I said I'd talk about the eclipse. A group of us did, indeed, go see it. But, curiously, it isn't really something I want to get into. perhaps because each of us reacted differently and some of those reactions seem like they ought to remain private.

-best, D.

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