To begin the story at the beginning, read "Part 1: Post 1: Beginning Again," published in January, 2013. To consult a description of the campus, read "Part 1: Post 14: The Greening of Campus," published in March, 2013.


Daniel is nineteen years old at the beginning of the story, but a young nineteen. He is tall and thin and somewhat boney-looking, with thin, angular features. His hair is a soft, chestnut brown and he wears it medium-short but sometimes a bit scruffy. He also usually wears a Vandyke beard (goatee plus mustache).

Temperamentally, he is quiet and easy-going. Most people like him, but very few people know him well. He prefers to know others rather than be known, and is an inveterate people-watcher. He's very smart and has always gotten good grades. He was one of those kids everything comes easily for and who don't cause other people trouble, but nothing really challenged him or deeply interested him until he arrived at the school.

He is telling the entire story in flashback; he was nineteen in 2000. Now, he is in his thirties, married, with a young daughter, who was born March 10th, 2013. He has become a writer, though he also works for a landscaping company part of the year and teaches occasional environmental education classes and workshops.

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