To begin the story at the beginning, read "Part 1: Post 1: Beginning Again," published in January, 2013. To consult a description of the campus, read "Part 1: Post 14: The Greening of Campus," published in March, 2013.


Allen is the magic teacher at the school, meaning he’s responsible for working instruction in magic into the curriculum. Most of the other masters also teach some form of magic, but they are not required to do so. Allen’s form of magic is stage magic; asked how stage magic can possibly count as real magic, he smiles and engages in a Socratic dialogue about what real magic is. He is also a psychologist and a licensed therapist. In his work, he merges his work as a healer and his fondness for both stage magic and philosophy into one seamless whole. He is married to a fellow psychologist, with whom he has three children.

Allen is of short to medium height, and medium to stocky build. His features are somewhat boyish, pleasant-looking, but not dramatically so, and his hair is black and thinning on top. He is forty-five years old when the story begins, and in good shape physically. His body language is somewhat awkward or formal, and he dresses formally when not wearing his school uniform, but despite this he is usually relaxed, confident, and unselfconsciously playful. He is constantly using his skills as an illusionist to play pranks, illustrate his (occasionally quite serious) points, or to entertain others, and he has a wonderful, boyish laugh. Other people, including students, gladly go out of their way to trigger that marvelous laughter.

Allen can play the guitar, not badly but he is hardly a master at it. His singing voice is pleasant but not always in key. He is unusual in that he loves to sing and is comfortable doing so even though he does not sing well. He is an excellent cook. He can juggle, though he is not as good at it as he is at stage magic. He loves to swim, especially beneath the surface. Childlike, he seems not to notice the cold when he's having a good time.

Posts that significantly feature Allen include;

A Day in the Life
The Magician
Getting Ready for Spring
Bumping into Allen in Church
Loose Threads
Play a Song for Me
Philosopher's Stone Soup

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